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Jakub Bladowski - ROARK - Architect

What is architecture to you?

Jakub Bladowski: In my opinion, the key role of architecture is to meet the needs of users along with residents. At the beginning we always try to precisely identify human needs and respond to them with form. This is an important element in each of our projects. The effects of such an approach are perfectly visible in the example of the Nowe Kolibki project. It is important for the architect to feel like the director of a human life. We create opportunities. We shape the space so that it is flexible and diverse. The rest is designed by life.

What does your collaboration with Invest Komfort look like?

JB: Invest Komfort is a developer that has achieved its position in the market by providing customers with top quality products. They were the first to understand that people expect quality, and therefore are very demanding towards designers, but above all towards themselves. However, the end result is worth every ounce of effort that’s put in.

Is this a unique approach in the market? 

JB: Of course. Unlike other developers, Invest Komfort constantly consults with designers to ensure the highest quality of details, choice of materials, paving and greenery. I appreciate it for two simple reasons - firstly, I feel that the client trusts me and treats me as a partner. Secondly, this approach gives me control over the project and strengthens my role as a co-creator of the investment. This is very motivating for me as an architect.

Jakub Bladowski

Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdansk University of Technology. He is still connected with the university as an assistant professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. Since 2015, he has been running the Roark Studio design studio.


Story about home
Creating time and space
Completed developments