Fire-painted apartments
Smolna YSLAB
Hidden in the vicinity of the Tricity Landscape Park and inspired by the subtlety of the East Asian philosophy of attention to detail.
Set in the soothing tranquillity of the Baltic forest, it draws on the rich resort tradition of Sopot and the most sophisticated trends of global minimalism.
Such is Smolna. Ambiguous and coherent. Unique.
- An unrivalled location: An extension of the Sopot part of the Tricity Landscape Park.
- Prize-winning authenticity: Multiple award-winning, organic and sensual design.
- Everyday uniqueness: Finishing materials almost unparalleled in European construction.
Smolna Sopot is an innovative and original approach to the concept of the living space. Here, the apartments can easily transform into a home – a Sopot villa close to the metropolis, immersed in the greenery of the forest and enveloped by the sound of the waves.

Your own private resort
Sopot is more than a city. It is an icon and symbol of the European resort. Famous yet still undiscovered. Attractive and underexplored. Magnetic and obliging – intolerant of compromise. In return, it offers what seems impossible: unbroken silence, stunning greenery and, at the same time, proximity to an exciting city.
It is a place with a unique atmosphere, whose traditions date back to the 16th century and whose qualities were already appreciated by the doctors of Napoleon’s army. In the interwar period, it was the preferred holiday destination of the elite; today it is decidedly more democratic. This does not, however, prevent it from constantly exuding elegance. Smolna Sopot was created precisely in this refined spirit.
- On the principles of nature: Smolna Sopot preserves the natural landscaping characteristic of the entire city. It does not impose itself on its surroundings, but blends harmoniously into the panorama of the Tricity Landscape Park – a nature conservation area on the edge of which it was built.
- Silence you can hear: The low-rise, minimalist buildings are surrounded by a preserved forest space and a patio that is green all year round. It acts as a relaxation area, providing all residents with what is invaluable – privacy and silence. A silence undisturbed by the whirr of engines, as all car traffic has been relocated underground, leaving the landscape undisturbed.
- A location that is second to none: From here, from the Świemirowo neighbourhood, you can take a leisurely stroll anywhere – to the sandy beach, to the bustling city centre, on forest excursions to the picturesque Jedlinowa Polana, to the Sopot Hippodrome, and to the part of Sopot where you will come across stately villas, restaurants and cafés.
The power of architectural synergy
A distinctive feature of Smolna is the architecture inspired by Scandinavian minimalism and Japanese design philosophy.
It is a synergy of simple, timeless blocks, East Asian façades and organic interiors. However, these seemingly distant aesthetics form the coherent architectural language of a multidisciplinary team – the joint work of the extraordinary talent of many creators. Smolna was designed by the renowned KD Kozikowski Design studio, the façades were designed by Pote Architekci, the interiors by Kuoo and Tamizo Architects, and the greenery by Studio Krajobraz.
- 14th-century Japanese traditions: Smolna Sopot’s unparalleled attention to detail. In both the exterior and interior elements, the architects used Shou Sugi Ban – a very refined, natural and time-consuming wood conservation technique, extremely rare in the European cultural context.
- Intimacy, home, city: Flat green roofs and spacious gardens surrounded by tall plants are the privilege of experiencing privacy in a city so full of life, and a lush contrast to the six sparingly designed buildings. Dense greenery, centrally located fruit trees, perennials and grasses provide residents with the intimacy needed to feel that they own more than an apartment – that they are creating and realising their dream of a Sopot home and building a community with their neighbours.
- Experiencing uniqueness: The insistence on employing almost exclusively eco-friendly materials and the labour-intensive techniques used to make them testify to the unprecedented commitment of the artists who created Smolna. Thanks to them, this place offers something priceless today – the opportunity to live in a space that is not only characterised by its timelessness, but also by its authorial vision.
Balance found in simplicity
Smolna Sopot’s space is sensory and its interiors are minimalist and organic. Here you can both relax and create, as the forms and colours are restrained, while inside, amenities await that make work-life balance an exciting daily experience.
The interiors of the communal areas are styled in a way that is distinguished by simple forms and an economy of detail management. They open up to the surrounding nature and merge with it, creating a soothing unity. Geometry gives way to the organic, rigidity to gentleness, technical precision to the discipline of nature. Just touch the walls to feel the texture of the material, lift your gaze to see the light greenery, enter the relaxation spaces to mute the stimuli.
- Proximity to nature: The muted interiors of Smolna Sopot eschew decorative elements in favour of a play with the monochromatic textures and shapes found in nature. Large glazed staircases provide daylight and a soothing view of the surrounding nature. The spaces are free of ostentation, but filled with minimalism in its refined version – warm wood and raw concrete.
- Living well: Smolna Sopot also includes recreational spaces that harmoniously combine the subtle elegance characteristic of the entire complex with unconditional functionality. The Scandinavian-style yoga room offers the ideal place to relax and meditate. The fitness area provides the opportunity for a comprehensive workout. The dry and wet saunas offer a moment of relaxation in an environment where almost every detail is tailor-made. And the club lounge, with its Italian bookcase that encourages book sharing, unobtrusively invites you to meet and integrate with the neighbourhood. There is also a co-working area, which creates the ideal conditions for effective work by eliminating unnecessary stimuli.
- Clear functional-spatial solutions: The proximity to the sea, trekking areas, magnificent forests and numerous cycle paths inspired the architects to create two solutions that are pioneering on a national scale. These are the workshop area, where you can repair your bicycle, and the room with the dog wash and dog bath. It’s here where both two-wheeled sports enthusiasts and those with four-legged friends visit after a workout or a walk. Especially on rainy days.
Home and nature in a Sopot symbiosis
Smolna connects the impossible. It offers direct access to Sopot and is also an extension of the Tricity Landscape Park. It is connected to nature. Here, surrounding greenery from all sides and deliberately geometric architecture enter into the relationship for which the legendary Polish resort is famous.
- A sensory experience of greenery: Studio Krajobraz took care of the green patio, rich in light flora, which is especially pleasing at a time when the surrounding forests have already shed their leaves. This is a nod to a philosophy that celebrates authenticity and the calm that comes from accepting the inevitability of change – both in culture and in contact with nature, whose cycles are felt at Smolna with every sense.
- In summer, the fruits of Smolna can be harvested: In the warmest months, the bushes surrounding the natural playground blossom with juicy fruits – blueberries and raspberries – which entice you to pick them to enjoy the taste of summer. Just like in your own garden.
- A garden’s intimacy: Smolna breathes peacefully and lives by the slow rhythm of the resort and the cycles of nature. This guarantees complete tranquillity for all residents. The dense evergreen plants inside the apartment complex, on the other hand, provide something more – complete freedom from external stimuli, as well as intimacy and privacy..
Fitness Zone
Dry and wet sauna
Yoga zone
Relaxation zone
DIY workshop
Club room
Wash for bicycles and pets
Coworking zone
1. Jedno takie miejsce – Smolna Sopot
Ukryta w sąsiedztwie Trójmiejskiego Parku Krajobrazowego i zainspirowana subtelnością dalekowschodniej filozofii dbałości o detale. Osadzona w kojącej ciszy nadbałtyckiego lasu, czerpiąca z bogatej tradycji kurortowej Sopotu i najbardziej wytrawnych nurtów światowego minimalizmu. Taka jest Smolna Sopot. Niejednoznaczna i spójna. Niepowtarzalna.
Twoja prywatna część kurortu
Natura z zewnątrz wchodzi do wnętrz Smolnej. To wzajemne przenikanie się przyrody i architektury jest także wyróżnikiem Sopotu. Niezwykłe zachody słońca, wszechobecna zieleń i widok na morze. Tak wygląda idealny sopocki adres.
Siła architektonicznej synergii
Wyróżnikiem Smolnej jest architektura inspirowana skandynawskim minimalizmem oraz japońską filozofią projektowania. Elewacja pokryta jest wyjątkowym materiałem: drzewem palonym japońską metodą Shou Sugi Ban, rzadko spotykanym w europejskim kontekście kulturowym. To bardzo szlachetna, naturalna technika konserwująca drewno, wywodząca się jeszcze z XIV-wiecznej Japonii.
Doświadczanie ponadczasowości
Nacisk na naturalne materiały oraz pracochłonne techniki ich wykonania świadczą o bezprecedensowym zaangażowaniu wyjątkowych ludzi tworzących Smolną w zaoferowaniu mieszkańcom tego, co bezcenne – możliwości mieszkania w miejscu ponadczasowym, bo w każdym wymiarze autorskim.
Sopocki zen
Wnętrza części wspólnych są utrzymane w stylistyce minimalistycznej, wyróżniającej się prostą formą i oszczędnością w zarządzaniu detalem. Wystrój sali klubowej sprzyja odpoczynkowi i komfortowemu spędzaniu czasu.
Balans odnaleziony w prostocie
Przestrzeń Smolnej Sopot jest sensoryczna, a jej wnętrza – minimalistyczne i organiczne. Tu można odpocząć i tworzyć, bo formy i kolorystyka są powściągliwe, a w środku czekają udogodnienia, które sprawiają, że work-life balance staje się emocjonującą codziennością.
Myjnia rowerów i spa dla czworonogów
Dwa kółka i cztery łapy. Na osiedlu Smolna Sopot do dyspozycji mieszkańców pozostają myjnia dla rowerów i spa dla psów. To pionierskie w skali kraju rozwiązanie, które jest doceniane szczególnie w deszczowe dni.
Strefa jogi
W strefie fitness wydzielono kameralną salę do jogi, wyposażoną w profesjonalny sprzęt do ćwiczeń. Tu można się wyciszyć, zadbać o kondycję fizyczną i poczuć spokój w minimalistycznych wnętrzach Smolnej.
Strefa fitness
Strefa fitness jest tu uzupełnieniem naturalnego otoczenia. Zapewnia dostęp do szerokiej gamy nowoczesnego sprzętu do ćwiczeń. Pomieszczenie wyposażone jest w profesjonalne urządzenia kardio oraz siłowe, umożliwiające wszechstronny trening.
Strefa fitness i spa zaprojektowane są również tak, by współgrać z naturalnym otoczeniem. Wnętrza oddziałują na dobre samopoczucie, sala do ćwiczeń zachęca do aktywności fizycznej, a sauny sucha i mokra kuszą, by zwieńczyć dzień „w objęciach relaksu”.
Warsztat majsterkowicza
Wiele osób stara się wygospodarować w garażu przestrzeń do majsterkowania. W jednej z hal garażowych Smolnej wszystkie narzędzia i elektronarzędzia znajdują się w zasięgu ręki, a z warsztatu może korzystać każdy mieszkaniec kompleksu.